Feb 21, 2023
Public Notice
Public Notice of
Request for Qualifications
For Professional Engineering Services
The Town of Casa is proposing to make renovations and upgrades to its existing water and wastewater facilities and to engage in general public works projects. The Town is interested in acquiring the services of a qualified engineering firm or firms to provide the necessary services for the above-referenced projects and for general engineering services. The projects are anticipated to be funded by Arkansas Natural Resources, The Town, or other available funding sources.
Procedures for the selection of a firm/individual will be in accordance with the Federal and State procurement requirements. All RFQ responses will be evaluated in terms of specialized experience and technical competence; performance; capacity, and capability of the firm/individual to perform work; and proximity to the project area.
Negotiations will begin with the respondent obtaining the highest total score in the evaluation process.
The Town shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the firms/individuals’ submitting qualifications.
The Town reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, waive any informalities or technicalities and to choose the respondent deemed most advantageous and to serve the best interest of The Town.
This is a qualifications-based request, and any mention of fees or price will disqualify your submittal.
Unsuccessful respondents may file a written appeal no later than five (5) working days after the date of the notification of unsuccessful RFQ respondent. The Town will review all appeals and respond in writing no later than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the written appeal.
All interested parties must submit three (3) copies of their qualification to:
Josie Payne, Mayor
P.O. Box 6
Casa, AR 72025
All responses must be received by 12 noon on March 17, 2023.
The Town of Casa is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.