Aug 31, 2023
Request for Proposals
City of Casa, Arkansas
August 31, 2023
The City of Casa, Arkansas will receive proposals from qualified firms to contract for water tank rehabilitation of one Water Storage tank.
Parties interested in this Request for Proposals may obtain a copy of the RFP at Casa City Hall 3587 Arkansas 10, Casa, Arkansas 72025 or online at www.cityofcasa.org. All information outlined in the R.F.P., along with any other pertinent facts necessary for a proper evaluation of this proposal, should be submitted in duplicate, sealed, and mailed or delivered to Casa City Hall, on the date and time designated.
The City of Casa reserves the right to waive formalities in any proposal, and to reject any or all proposals in whole or in part with or without cause and/or to accept the proposal that in its judgment will be in the best interest of The City of Casa.
August 31, 2023
All bidders must climb and inspect the tank and tank site in person prior to submitting their proposal to ensure they understand the full scope of the project and any issues related to it.
Sealed proposals will be received by The City of Casa until [ 1:00 ] PM on [ October 2nd ] 2023 at which time said proposals will be recorded and turned over to City Officials for careful evaluation.
The following information must be listed on the outside of the envelope.
October 2nd, 2023 1:00PM
FOR FURNISHING OF: 2023 Tank Rehabilitation Project
Questions regarding this RFP are to be directed to Casa City Hall at (501) 233-6210
*All submittals shall be mailed to:
Casa City Hall
3587 Arkansas 10
Casa, Arkansas 72025
The Owner reserves the right to take a period of two [2] weeks to examine and evaluate all proposals before a decision is made and announced.
The City of Casa is soliciting proposals from qualified firms for rehabilitation of the Standpipe on Broadway in the City of Casa. It is the intent of the R.F.P. to determine the most qualified firm to which The City of Casa could contract these services.
It is the intent of The City of Casa to solicit proposals that address all the information outlined herein. Additionally, each prospective firm may include such other information as he or she deems pertinent to the proper evaluation of their proposal. Typewritten proposals only shall be submitted in duplicate, sealed to create a single document containing all required material.
It is the responsibility of each prospective firm interested in this proposal to inspect the tank prior to the submission of their proposal. All bidders are responsible for obtaining any information pertinent to the proper evaluation of the tank condition.
All work and materials used must comply with OSHA Confined Space Entry, Arkansas Department of Health, Ten States, A.W.W.A., and N.S.F. Regulations.
The details of this proposal shall include information on the following items. Additionally, each prospective firm may submit such other information as deemed appropriate for the proper evaluation of the proposals.
A. Firms must have in-state representative available for consultation before, during, and after project completion.
B. Firms must have ability and be responsible to submit any required engineering documents to Arkansas Department of Health and obtain permitting prior to project start.
C. Methods for handling and disposing of hazardous wastes should be explained.
D. Company must be a U.S. entity with no affiliation to a foreign parent or subsidiary.
E. The tanks shall be fully inspected upon completion and an inspection report with photo documentation compliant with Arkansas Department of Health guidelines provided to The City of Casa. Additionally, a second such report and inspection should take place prior to the 1 year completion anniversary and any warranty issues shall be addressed.
F. A detailed proposal shall adhere to the specifications given in this Request for Proposal. All surface preparation and coatings specified should be strictly adhered to; there will be no variance. In addition, all rules and regulations of the Arkansas Department of Health will be strictly adhered to. All permits, approvals, etc., required by the Arkansas Department of Health will be the responsibility of the successful firm.
G. Each proposer shall submit a detailed insurance certificate. This insurance certificate should detail all levels of insurance that may be required by The City of Casa to accept a contractual obligation.. In addition, all firms shall provide a detailed certificate which they carry General Liability insurance of no less than $1,000,000. A sample copy of this insurance certificate must be attached to the last page of this response. The City of Casa must be named as additional insured on certificate to be provided prior to start of work.
H. Each proposal should include a detailed contract document for review to be included in this R.F.P. response.
I. Each bidder shall have available upon request a formal Safety Program stating company policy on all safety procedures.
Outlined below is the schedule and specification that details the work to be performed. There will be no deviation from this specification of work.
(2023 Completion) Broadway Standpipe Rehabilitation
Complete tank exterior shall be pressure washed to remove loose coating, contaminants, and debris then spot prepped as necessary on areas of bare steel and feather back existing coating failures to good existing coating during spot prep.
Full coat of Tnemec 27 Epoxy Primer applied at 3.0-5.0 mils
Full coat of Tnemec 1095 Urethane applied at 2.0-3.0 mils.
(1) Stenciled 1 Color Logo Shall be applied using Tnemec 1095 at 2.0-3.0 mils.
Complete tank interior wet area shall be abrasive blasted in accordance with SSPC-SP10 Near White Blasting, then receive a 3 coat Hi-Build system consisting of:
Full coat of Tnemec 91 Zinc Rich Primer at 2.5-3.5 mils
All welds and sharp edges will receive a brushed "stripe" coat of Tnemec N140/L140 at 4.0-6.0 mils
Full coat of Tnemec 21 High Build Epoxy at 14.0-16.0 mils
Seal bottom chime on exterior, interior sidewall/ceiling seam, and unwelded interior seams with caulking.
Replace Vent with 18” Aluminum vent on 24” Fan Flange. Bottom of Screen shall be at least 24” above roof surface.
Repair Level indicator
Replace overflow screen with #24 stainless steel mesh and reinforce with heavier mesh.
Add gasket to roof manway hatch.
Provide all ADH Permitting
1 Year Warranty for workmanship. Completion Inspection and Anniversary WARRANTY INSPECTION:
1. Interior and exterior shall be visually inspected to ensure good work was completed and no attention is needed in the warranty period both upon completion and before 1 year completion anniversary.
2. The tank will be inspected in accordance with ADH guidelines for water tank inspections to assess the structural, sanitary, coatings, and safety conditions.
3. A written report, including color photographs, will be submitted detailing the condition of the tank.
4. A representative of the company shall be available upon request to discuss report findings.
5. Any deficiencies shall be reported to owner and repaired.
6. The local Tnemec Representative, Eagle Rock Coatings shall be available upon request.
*All water quality testing to be completed by City. Contractor will disinfect per AWWA guidelines with Method 3 HTH Shock once interior coating is cured.
1. The tank’s renovation specifications, repairs, and inspections outlined above must be strictly adhered to. The awarded Firm shall not be allowed to deviate from these specifications. This includes surface preparation, coating selection, coating application, tank repairs, & Inspections.
2. The renovation projects, routine maintenance, inspections, and evaluations outlined in the “Schedule of Work” must be completed in accordance with the specified timeframe.
Insurance coverage specified herein constitutes the minimum requirements and said requirements shall in no way lessen or limit the liability of the Firm under the terms of the Contract. The Firm shall procure and maintain at their own expense any additional kinds and amounts of insurance that, in their own judgment, may be necessary for their proper protection in the prosecution of the work. The Firm shall carry insurance as prescribed herein and all policies shall be with companies satisfactory to City of Casa.
If a part of this Contract is sublet, the Firm shall require each sub-firm to carry insurance of the same kinds and in like amounts as carried by the prime Firm.
Certificates of insurance shall state that thirty (30) days written notice will be give to City Officials before the policy is canceled or non-renewed. No Firm or sub-firm will be allowed to start any work on this contract until certificates of all insurance required herein are filed and approved by City Officials. The certificates shall show the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates, and the dates of expiration of policies. In addition, the certificates shall name City of Casa as additional insured. The Firm shall secure and maintain in effect for the period of the Contract and pay all premiums for the following kinds of insurance.
A. Workman’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance
This insurance shall protect the Firm against all claims under applicable State Workmen’s Compensation Laws. The liability limits shall not be less than the required Statutory Limits for
Workmen’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 Each Accident, $1,000,000 Disease-Each Employee, $1,000,000 Disease-Policy Limit.
B. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
This insurance shall cover all operations in connection with the performance of this Contract in amounts not less than the following: Coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 products/completed operations aggregate for claims by third parties for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury. Coverage shall be provided on an occurrence form, not claims made. No exclusions or limitations related to height of work will be allowed.
C. Automotive Liability
The Firm shall maintain automobile liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury or property damage liability to protect him from any and all claims arising from the use of the following:
(1) Firm’s own automobile and trucks.
(2) Hired/leased or rented automobiles and trucks.
The aforementioned is to cover use of automobiles and trucks on and off the site of the project.
D. Owner’s Protective Liability Policy
The Firm shall maintain Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance with City of Casa, and their servants, agents, and employees as insured in amounts not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate.
E. Builder’s Risk Insurance
Until the project is completed and is accepted by the Owner, the Firm is required to maintain Builder’s Risk Insurance adequate to fully cover the insurable portion of the project for the benefit of the Owner, the prime Firm, and sub-firms as their interest may appear.
F. Umbrella Liability
Umbrella or Excess Liability police in amounts of at least $5,000,000 shall be provided.
G. Qualifications
Qualifications Required: Interested firms are invited to submit their qualifications for consideration. The following criteria will be evaluated:
Experience: Provide a summary of the firm's relevant experience in similar projects, including examples of successful completion, project scale, and complexity.
Expertise: Detail the firm's technical expertise, resources, and innovative approaches relevant to the project's requirements.
Financial Stability: Provide evidence of financial stability and capacity to undertake a project of this magnitude.
References: Include references from previous clients, highlighting the quality of work, adherence to schedules, and overall client satisfaction.
Team: Describe the key personnel who will be assigned to the project, their qualifications, and their roles.
Safety and Compliance: Outline the contractor's commitment to safety protocols and compliance with local regulations and industry standards.
I, _____________________________________, being an authorized representative of the firm of _______________________________________________________, located in the City of ___________________________, State ________________, Zip Code ___________, and Phone _______________________, have read and understood the contents of the formal proposal and hereby submit our proposal accordingly as of this date _________________________________.
Signature of Authorized Representative